Gotta Get Ya Outta My Mind – Weekly Musings

Hey friend,

Here’s more things that have been clogging my brain lately. Hope it causes you to laugh, think, get mad, question my sanity and whatever else. To have an idea of what I’m doing and how I’m writing, check out last week’s post. Please note: For the next 2 weeks, I won’t be responding to comments found here so don’t be offended if you don’t hear back from me. I will do so in two weeks.

* Footnotes are still a problem (I don’t know how to work code, so please have patience. I might also move to Tumblr (easier footnote interface) so please weight in and let me know what you think!




The song upon entering Hell isn’t “Highway to Hell” by AC/DC or “My Way” by Frank. It’s any song by Nickelback…followed by every song Rebecca Black made AFTER friday that we haven’t heard yet.[1]

More people should be excited about the winter solstice.

I wonder if Lady Gaga had a BBQ after wearing that meat dress. If not, she was born to be a “waster”.[2]

I’m sure God loves the begrudging giver too…not saying you SHOULD be begrudging when you give, but still…

The world would be a happier place if more people played hop scotch. Try it.

Did Peter Piper really pick a pack of pickled peppers? I mean who really knows if he did? Did YOU see him?

Last week I played tea party with Ellie and had to wear a tiara and my wife’s wedding dress to fit in. I gotta say this…kinda liked the tiara. The dress didn’t suit my character.[3]

Everybody’s not working for the weekend (a la song by Loverboy). They’re working for their bosses and their families. Weekends have no hiring or firing power. Except for in Angola.

I wonder if I can pull off bang…I’d just have to grow my hair, straighten it…yup, worth it.

Liam is a great kid. That being said, he farts a lot. Like A LOT! Like a grown man.

Sometimes I doubt. You do too. Sometimes I sin. You do too. Sometimes I fear. You do too. I’m fed up by that. You?

I can’t hear the song “Fix You” and not get goosebumps. I can’t hear the song “Rockstar” by Nickelback and wish for sweet death.[4]

Soothers are more for the parents than they are for their kids.[5]

Cool quote: “Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words because they become actions. Watch your actions because they become habits. Watch your habits because they become your character. Watch your character because it becomes your destiny.”[6]

If I had money to blow, I’d give my Becca the wedding she wanted rather than the one we could afford. She deserves a lot and that’s one thing on my bucket list.

Yup, it’s true… I DID get it from my mama.

[1] If that doesn’t push someone towards salvation…

[2] Saw what I did there? Yup…pretty clever I knowJ

[3] And no, there aren’t any pictures. But trust me it happened.

[4] It’s an exaggeration but man they are the wrost (spelling done purposely).

[5] So are nap times, play rooms and play dates at other people’s homes.

[6] I read that and had to pause and rethink many of my thoughts. Thank God for undeserved second chances.